Mackellar Group | Celebrating a Huge Milestone

3 May 2023

Celebrating a Huge Milestone

3 May 2023

Celebrating a Huge Milestone

Col talks about his 29 Years with MacKellar Group

Over the course of nearly three decades, Col has been an integral part of the MacKellar Group team and a hero of our company values. Safety, reliability and a willingness to go above and beyond are just some of the characteristic of this passionate and enthusiastic truck driver that so many look up to.

Following his father’s steps, who was also a truck driver and well known in the trucking industry, Col has devoted most of his working career to the MacKellar Group.

Col has spent a of great deal of time in this beloved truck hauling machinery and parts to the most remote locations in the country for MacKellar and after 29 years his loves for the job has not diminished.

He still recalls meeting Alistair for the first time all those years ago, and tells us about some of his furtherest drives out to Carmichael Mine.